A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)


Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier


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Driopa nordmanni ([Ménétriés], [1850])

[ORIG] Parnassius nordmanni [Ménétriés], [1850]. In: Siemaschko, Русская фауна (17): pl. 4, fig. 4.  
    TL: Monti Adschara (lectotype designation by Nekrutenko & Kerzhner, 1986. Rev. entomol. URSS 65(4): 776).
[JS] Doritis clarius Herrich-Schäffer, [1845]. Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Eur. 1(10): 146, pl. 54, fig. 257-258.  
    TL: Caucasus.  
[JS] Parn[assius]. pataraeus Doubleday & Westwood, 1852. Gen. diurn. Lepid. 2: 530.  
    TL: -.  
[JS] Parnassius nordmanni var. minima Honrath, 1885. Berl. entomol. Z. 29(2): 273, pl. 8, fig. 2.  
    TL: Dagestan (Russian Federation).  
[JS] Parnassius nordmanni ssp. christophi Bryk & Eisner, 1932. Parnassiana 2: 90.  
    TL: Tschugusch (= Chugush, Caucase, Russian Federation).  
[JS] Parnassius nordmanni ssp. bogosi Bang-Haas, 1934. Entomol. Z. 48(17): 135.  
    TL: Berg Bogos, Ort Tindi (W Daghestan).  
[JS] Parnassius nordmanni ssp. thomai Freina, 1980. Nachr.-Bl. bayer. Entomol. 29(3): 52-61, fig. 1-3.  
    TL: Kackar-Massiv (Rize prov., NE Turkey).  


Bang-Haas O. 1934 (8.xii.1934).
Neubeschreibungen und Berichtigungen der Palaearktisdien Macrolepidopierenfauna XV.
Entomologische Zeitschrift 48(17): 135. (url)
New taxon: Parnassius nordmanni bogosi.
Bryk F. & Eisner C. 1932.
Kritische Revision der Gattung Parnassius unter Benutzung des Materials der Kollektion Eisner, Dahlem.
Parnassiana 2: 27-30, 34-42, 69-102 (url not available)
New taxa: Parnassius nordmanni christophi.
Doubleday E. & Westwood J. O. 1846-1850.
The genera of diurnal lepidoptera : comprising their generic characters, a notice of their habits and transformations, and a catalogue of the species of each genus. Vol. II. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans (Ed.). pp. 251-534, pl. 31-80. (url)
New taxon: Parnassius pataraeus.
Freina J. J. de-. 1980.
Eine neue Unterart von Parnassius nordmanni Nordmann aus Kleinasien (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 29(3): 50-62, fig. (url)
New taxon: Parnassius nordmanni thomai.
Herrich-Schäffer G. A. W. 1843-[1855]. Systematische Bearbeitung der Schmetterlinge von Europa, zugleich als Text, Revision und Supplement zu Jakob Hubner's Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge. Erster Band - Die Tagfalter. Regensburg: G. J. Manz (Ed.). pp. 1-164, pl. 1-134 (Papilionides), pl. 1-7 (Hesperides). (note on publication dates: Heppner, 1982 (url): 1843: (1): [1-3], 4-16, pl. 1-5, fig. 1-29, (2): 17-40, pl. 29-34, fig. 131-156 ; [1844]: (3): 41-56, pl. 6-12, fig. 30-60, pl. 35-36, fig. 157-164, (4): 57-80, pl. 13-22, fig. 61-107, (5): 81-90, pl. 23-28, fig. 108-130, pl. 37-41, fig. 165-189, (6): 91-98, pl. 42-44, fig. 190-203, (7): 99-114, pl. 45-52, fig. 204-248, (9): 115-122 ; [1845]: (10): 123-146, pl. 53-57, fig. 249-274, (11): 147-162, (12): pl.H. 1-3, fig. 1-17 ; [1846]: (13): 163-164, pl. 58-65, fig. 275-315, (14): pl. 66-70, fig. 316-338, pl.H. 4-5, fig. 18-30 ; [1847]: (26): pl. 71-77, fig. 339-376 ; [1848]: (32): pl. 78-82, fig. 377-400, (36): pl. 83-89, fig. 401-426, pl.H. 6, fig. 31-36 ; [1849]: (37): pl. 90-91, fig. 427-437 ; [1850]: (43): pl. 92-94, fig. 438-450, 452-453, (45): pl. 95-102, fig. 453-489 ; [1851]: (47): pl. 103, fig. 490-495, (49): pl. 104-109, fig. 496-528, (51): pl. 110-118, fig. 529-570 ; [1852]: (54): pl. 119-123, fig. 571-596, (56): pl. 124-127, fig. 597-618, pl. 130-132, fig. 628-639, pl. 134, fig. 646-651 ; [1853]: (59): pl. 128-129, fig. 619-627, pl. 133, fig. 640-645 ; [1854]: (65): pl.H. 7, fig. 37-42, index [1], 2-20 ; [1855]: (66): index 21-24) (text: url ; plates: url)
New taxon: Doritis clarius.
Honrath E. G. 1885.
Neue Rhopalocera.
Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift 24(2): 272-278, pl. 8. (url)
New taxon: Parnassius nordmanni minima.
[Менетие Э.] [Ménétriés E.]. [1850].
Новые виды и вариететы Parnassius [New species and varieties of Parnassius].
In: Симашко Ю. [Simashko Yu.], Русская фауна [Russian fauna] (17): Чешуекрылые, табл. 4 [Lepidoptera, pl. 4]. (url)
New taxon: Papilio nordmanni.
Nekrutenko Y.P. & Kerzhner Y. M. 1986.
On the species and varieties of Parnassius (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) established by E. Ménétriès in the book of Y. Siemashko “Russian fauna”.
Revue d’entomologie de l’URSS 65(4): 769-778. [in Russian]. (url)
Lectotype designation for Driopa nordmanni.

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Sylvain Cuvelier