A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)


Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier


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Genus Driopa Korshunov, 1988

[ORIG] Driopa Korshunov, 1988. Nov. maloizv. Vidy Fauny Sib. 20: 65.  
    TS: Papilio mnemosyne Linnaeus, 1758 by original designation.  
[JS] Driopa (Erythrodriopa) Korshunov, 1988. Nov. maloizv. Vidy Fauny Sib. 20: 67.  
    TS: Doritis ariadne (Kindermann, 1853) by original designation.  
[JS] Adoritis Koçak, 1989. Priamus 4(4): 165.  
    TS: Papilio mnemosyne Linnaeus, 1758 by original designation.  
[JS] Eversmanniodriopa Korb, 2005. Cat. Butt. ex-USSR: 13.  
    TS: Parnassius eversmanni [Ménétriès], [1850] by original designation.  

(1) List of the species found in the Western Palearctic: Driopa mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) ; Driopa turatii (Fruhstorfer, 1908) ; Driopa nordmanni ([Ménétriès], [1850]).  
(2) List of the species not found in the Western Palearctic: Driopa orleans (Oberthür, 1890) ; Driopa eversmanni ([Ménétriès], [1850]) ; Driopa clodius (Ménétriès, 1855) ; Driopa hoenei (Schweitzer, 1912) ; Driopa glacialis (Butler, 1866) ; Driopa stubbendorfi (Ménétriès, 1849) ; Driopa ariadne (Kindermann, 1853), Driopa nubilosus (Christoph, 1873).  

Коршунов Ю.П. [Korshunov Yu. P.]. 1988.
Новые булавоусые чешуекрылые (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) из Хакасии, Тувы и Якутии [New lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) from Khakassia, Tuva and Yakutia].
Таксономия животных Сибири. Новые и малоизвестные виды фауны Сибири [Taxonomy of animals of Siberia. New and little-known species of fauna of Siberia] 20: 65-80. (url)
New taxa: Driopa, Driopa (Erythrodriopa).
Koçak A. Ö. 1989.
Description of the genus Adoritis (gen. n.) with notes on other related groups in Parnassiinae (Papilionidae, Lepidoptera).
Priamus, results of the Scientific Research on Entomology 4(4): 163-170, fig. (url)
New taxon: Adoritis.
Korb S. K. 2005.
A catalogue of butterflies of the ex-USSR, with remarks on systematic and nomenclature. Nizhny Novgorod. pp. 1-156.
New taxon: Eversmanniodriopa.

Reference publications  
Bolotov I. A., Gofarov M. Y., Gorbach V. V., Kolosova Y. S., Zheludkova A. A., Kondarov A. V. & Spitsyn V. M. 2021.
Parnassius nebrodensis : A threatened but neglected Apollo Butterfly species from Southern Europe (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
Ecologica Montenegrina 40: 140-163, fig. []
Lukhtanov V. A. & Zakharov E. 2023.
Taxonomic Structure and Wing Pattern Evolution in the Parnassius mnemosyne Species Complex (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
Insects 14(12), 942: 1-24, fig. []

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Sylvain Cuvelier