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Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera

Open Source Research on Western Palearctic Lepidoptera


ISSN 3041-6531

HOME AWPL 2025(1) Papilionoidea Sources Lepidoptera Recent Literature Links Updates



26.ii.2025 Adapted Range Papilio saharae.
Included ESU neosaharae with Rationale and Range.
Included Whole Genomse Sequences (WGS) with a hyperlink on symbol to the species in GenBank for the Papilionoidae family.
18.ii.2025 Adapted Recent literature.
26.i.2025 Publication Cuvelier S. & Marafi AJ M. 2025.
Status and conservation of genetic diversity in the disjunct populations of Pseudochazara tisiphone Brown, [1981], in Albania.
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14736467 and online.
24.i.2025 Publication Taymans M. & Cuvelier S. 2025.
A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions at species, genus and family level (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.14733224 and online.
14.i.2025 The status of Hipparchia leighebi has been changed to uncertain.
Revised nomenclature: Coenonympha macromma has been replaced by Coenonympha cephalidarwiniana.
2.xii.2025 Adapted Range Pelopidas thrax.
24.xii.2024 Adapted Recent literature.
7.xii.2024 Insertion of webpage Recent literature.
23.xi.2024 Adapted Recent literature.
Adapted links () to the recent version of BOLD Systems v4, in:
12.x.2024 Implementing Synonyms in CL-Papilionidae.
20.xi.2024 Adapted publications Sylvain Cuvelier
31.v.2024 Adapted Recent literature.
28.v.2024 Testing navigation structure of CL-Papilionidae.
27.v.2024 Adapted webpage: Sources.
Structure for implementation of Synonyms is adapted in all the checklists.
18.v.2024 Starting the implementation of Synonyms ) at the level of the species, subgenus, genus, subtribe, subfamily and family.
13.iv.2024 Adapted Papilionoidea sources range.
Adapted range Deudorix livia.

Adapted Papilionoidea sources range.
Adapted range Spialia rosae.
Adapted range Pyrgus serratulae.
Adapted range Pontia daplidice.
Adapted range Vanessa virginiensis.
Added Marabuto Eduardo (Portugal) in Thx.

31.iii.2024 Launch Checklist of the Western Palearctic Papilionoidea.
28.iii.2024 Publication of the introduction in Lépidoptères - Revue des Lépidoptéristes de France. Vol. 33(84): 18-21
Launch of the website https://archwestpalepido.be/checklist_Papilionoidea.html
26.iii.2024 Included webpages range of all species in the Checklist of the Western Palaerctic Papilionoidea.
24.iii.2024 Implementing the range of Nymphalidae.
23.iii.2024 Implementing the range of Papilionidae, Hesperiidae, Pieridae and Riodinidae.
21.iii.2024 Testing the input of the distribution in the species range webpages.
19.iii.2024 Updating publications Michel Taymans and Sylvain Cuvelier
14.iii.2024 Creation all species range webpages.
23.ii.2024 Implementing the links to the families.
29.i.2024 Added webpage: Updates.
Adapted webpage: Sources.
25.i.2024 inclusion publications Sylvain Cuvelier
24.i.2024 Inclusion publications Michel Taymans
17.i.2024 Adapted introduction: https://archwestpalepido.be/index.html
16.i.2024 Inclusion Favicon of Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera.
Inclusion of subtitle: Open Source Research on Western Palaerctic Lepidoptera.
Adapted Updates: https://archwestpalepido.be/updates.html
15.i.2024 Inclusion updates: https://archwestpalepido.be/updates.html
13.i.2024 Creation of the structure: https://archwestpalepido.be/index.html
11.i.2024 Start of the pilot project "Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera"
Starting the development of the checklist hosted on the server of Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera.
22.i.203 Accepted introduction by the journal, Lépidoptères - Revue des Lépidoptéristes de France (ALF)
10.i.2023 Submitted introduction to the journal, Lépidoptères - Revue des Lépidoptéristes de France (ALF)
25.xi.2023 Consensus meeting to develop the checklist within the Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera.
15.v.2023 Stopping the development of the preliminary draft due to longer term unavailability of the F.E.S. server.
01.ii.2023 Starting the draft checklist hosted on the F.E.S. server.

About AWPL

AWPL Current Volume

Information for Authors

Checklist of the Western Palearctic Papilionoidea

Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier






© 2025 Archives of Western Palearctic Lepidoptera. All Rights Reserved.
Sylvain Cuvelier