A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)


Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier


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Zerynthia cassandra (Geyer, [1828])

[ORIG] Papilio cassandra Geyer, [1828]. In: Hübner, Samml. eur. Schmett. 1: pl. 185, fig. 910-913.  
    TL: Italy.
[JS] Thais creusa Meigen, [1829]. Syst. Beschr. eur. Schmett. 1: 161, pl. 42, fig. 1.  
    TL: Italy.  
[JS] Zerynthia polyxena ssp. latiaris Stichel, 1907. In: Wytsman, Gen. ins.: 11.  
    TL: Albani (Roma prov., Italy).  
[JS] Zerynthia (Thais) polyxena ssp. reverdini Fruhstorfer, 1908. Int. entomol. Z. 2(10): 58.  
    TL: Rapallo (Liguria, Italy).  
[JS] Thais hypermnestra race nemorensis Verity, 1919. Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 31(5): 88.  
    TL: Forte dei Marmi, costa Toscana (Tuscany, Italy).  
[JS] Thais hypermnestra race latevittata Verity, 1919. Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 31(5): 88.  
    TL: Sicily (S Italy).  
[JS] Thais hypermnestra race[?] inornata Verity, 1919. Entomol. Rec. J. Var. 31(5): 88.  
    TL: Firenze (Tuscany, Italy).  
[JS] Zerynthia hypsipyle race aemiliae Rocci, 1919. Atti Soc. Ligustica Sci. nat. geogr. 30: 34, pl. 1, fig. 8.  
    TL: S. Clemente, Modena (Emilia-Romagna, Italy).  
[JS] Zerynthia hypsipyle race linnea Bryk, 1932. Parnassiana 2(4/5): 66.  
    TL: Elba (Italy).  
[NN] Zerynthia hypsipyle nom. nov. vipsania Hemming, 1941. Proc. R. entomol. Soc. Lond. B 10(10): 208.  
    Nom. Nov.: replacement name for Thais hypermnestra race latevittata Verity, 1919.  
[JS] Zerynthia polyxena ssp. michaelis Nardelli, 1993. Entomol. Z. 103(4): 63-64, fig. 1.  
    TL: Bari, Nocci, Madonna della Scala (Apulia, SE Italy).  
[JS] Zerynthia polyxena ssp. patrizii Nardelli, 1993. Entomol. Z. 103(4): 65-66, fig. 1.  
    TL: Reggio Calabria, Ferruzzano (Calabria, S Italy).  


Bryk F. 1932. Neue Thais-Rassen.
Parnassiana 2(4/5): 66. (url not available)
New taxon: Zerynthia hypsipyle linnea.
Fruhstorfer H. 1908.
Eine neue Zerynthia.
Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift 2(10): 58. (url)
New taxon: Zerynthia polyxena reverdini.
Geyer C. [1828]-[1838]. In: Hübner, Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge. Lepidoptera I., Papiliones I. Augsburg [Germany]. pl. 182-207. (note on publication dates: Heppner, 1982 (url): [1827-1828]: pl. 182-187, fig. 896-981 ; [1828-1832]: pl. 188-195, fig. 982-968 ; [1832-1833]: pl. 196, fig. 969-974 ; [1834-1836]: pl. 197-201, fig. 975-997 ; [1836-1838]: pl. 202-203, fig. 998-1009 ; [1837-1838 ]: pl. 204-207, fig. 1010-1029) (url)
New taxon: Papilio cassandra.
Hemming A. F. 1941.
On eight subspecies in the lepidoptera rhopalocera at present without valid names.
Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (Series B, Taxonomy) 10(10): 185-208. (url not available)
New taxon: Zerynthia hypsipyle vipsania.
Meigen J. W. [1827]-1829.
Systematische Beschreibung der europäischen Schmetterlinge; mit Abbildungen auf Steintafeln. Erster Band. Aachen und Leipzig: J.A. Mayer (Ed.). pp. i-vi, 1-170, pl. 1-42. (note on publication dates: Griffin, 1931: [1827] (1): 1-40 ; [1828] (2): 41-90, (3): 91-122 ; 1829 (4): 123-170) (url)
New taxon: Thais creusa.
Nardelli U. 1993.
Drei neue Unterarten von Zerynthia polyxena Denis & Schiffermüller in Italien (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).
Entomologische Zeitschrift, mit Insektenbörse 103(4): 62-66, fig. (url)
New taxa: Zerynthia polyxena michaelis, Zerynthia polyxena patrizii.
Rocci U. 1919.
Osservazioni sui Lepidotteri de Liguria. Note comparative (Papilionidae, Pieridae la partie).
Atti della Società ligustica di scienze naturali e geografiche 30: 3-34, pl. 1. (url not available)
New taxon: Zerynthia hypsipyle aemiliae.
Stichel H. 1907.
Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera, Fam. Papilionidae, Subfam. Zerynthiinae. In : Wytsman P., Genera Insectorum 59: 1-25, pl. (1)-(2). (url)
New taxon: Zerynthia polyxena latiaris.
Verity R. 1919. Seasonal polymorphism and races of some european Grypocera and Rhopalocera (continued from page 48).
The Entomologist's record and Journal of Variation 31(5): 87-89. (url)
New taxa: Thais hypermnestra nemorensis, Thais hypermnestra latevittata, Thais hypermnestra inornata.

Reference publications  
Camerini G., Groppali R. & Minerbi T. 2017. Observations on the ecology of the endangered butterfly Zerynthia cassandra in a protected area of Northern Italy.
Journal of Insect Conservation 22: 41-49, fig. (
Dapporto L. 2010. Speciation in Mediterranean refugia and post-glacial expansion of Zerynthia polyxena (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 348(3): 229-237, fig. (
Zinetti F., Dapporto L., Vovlas A., Chelazzi G., Bonelli S., Balletto E. & Ciofi C. 2013.
When the rule becomes the exception. No evidence of Gene Flow between two Zerynthia cryptic butterflies suggests the emergence of a new model group.
PLoS ONE 8(6): e65746. (

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Sylvain Cuvelier