A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)


Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier


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Genus Zerynthia Ochsenheimer, 1816

[ORIG] Zerynthia Ochsenheimer, 1816. Schmett. Eur. 4: 29 (replacement for Thais Fabricius, 1807)  
    TS: Papilio hypsipyle Fabricius, 1776 (=Papilio polyxena [D. & Schiff.], 1775).  
[JH] Thais Fabricius, 1807. In: Illiger, Mag. Insektenk. 6: 283 (nec Röding, 1798. (Mollusca))  
    TS: Papilio hypsipyle Fabricius, 1776 (=Papilio polyxena [D. & Schiff.], 1775) by original designation.  
[RJ] Parnalius Rafinesque, 1815. Analyse Nat.: 128 (replacement for Thais Fabricius, 1807) (rejected, ICZN Opinion 2109)  
    TS: Papilio hypsipyle Fabricius, 1776 (=Papilio polyxena [D. & Schiff.], 1775) by original designation.  
[JS] Eugraphis Billberg, 1820. Enum. Ins. Mus. Billb.: 75 (replacement for Thais Fabricius, 1807)  
    TS: Papilio hypsipyle Fabricius, 1776 (=Papilio polyxena [D. & Schiff.], 1775).  

(1) The generic name Zerynthia Ochsenheimer, 1816 (with Type species: Papilio hypsipyle Fabricius, 1776) was placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology, name no. 2086 by Opinion 1134 (ICZN, 1979. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 36(2): 102).  
(2) The generic name Parnalius Rafinesque, 1815 was placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology, name no. 2109 by Opinion 1134 (ICZN, 1979. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 36(2): 102).  
(3) List of the species found in the Western Palearctic: Zerynthia polyxena (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) ; Zerynthia cassandra (Geyer, 1828) ; Zerynthia rumina (Linnaeus, 1758).  
(4) List of the species not found in the Western Palearctic: -.  

Billberg G. J. 1820.
Enumeratio Insectorum in Museo Gust. Joh. Billberg. Stockholm: Gadelianis (Ed.). pp. i-ii, 1-138. (url)
New taxon: Eugraphis.
Fabricius J. C. 1807. Systema Glossatorum. In: Illiger, Die neueste Gattungs-Eintheilung der Schmetterlinge aus den Linnéischen Gattungen Papilio und Sphinx.
Magazin für Insektenkunde 6: 279-289. (url)
New taxon: Thais.
ICZN. 1979.
Opinion 1134: Zerynthia Ochsenheimer, 1816 (Insecta Lepidoptera) conserved under the plenary powers.
The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 36(2): 102-104. (url)
Ochsenheimer F. 1816.
Die Schmetterlinge von Europa. Vierter Band - Schwärmer, oder Abendschmetterlinge. Leipzig: G. Fleischer dem Jüngern (Ed.). pp. i-x, 1-212. (url)
New taxon: Zerynthia.
Rafinesque C. S. 1815.
Analyse de la nature ou tableau de l'univers et des corps organisés. Palerme: de l'imprimerie de Jean Barravecchia (Ed.). pp. 1-224. (url)
New taxon: Parnalius.

Reference publications  
Stetten J. M. von- & Bozano G. C. 2021.
Papilionidae part III, Subfamily Parnassiinae, Tribes Zerynthiini, Luehdorfiini. In: Bozano G. C., Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region. Milano: Omnes Artes (Ed.). pp. 1-96. (url not available)

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Sylvain Cuvelier