A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)


Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier


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Iphiclides feisthamelii (Duponchel, 1832)

[ORIG] Papilio feisthamelii Duponchel, 1832. Hist. nat. Lépid. France Suppl. 1(Diurnes): 7-10, pl. 1, fig. 1.  
    TL: Barcelona area (NE Spain).
[IFS] Papilio podalirius ab. lotteri Austaut, 1879. Petites Nouv. Entomol. 2(212): 293 (latteri) ; [correction] 2(214): 304 (lotteri).  
    TL: Bel-Abbès (Algeria).  
[JS] Papilio podalirius var. lotteri (Austaut) Oberthür, 1879. Ét. Entomol. 4: 64.  
    Stat. nov. for Papilio podalirius ab. lotteri Austaut, 1879.  
[JS] Papilio podalirius var. et ab. miegii Thierry-Mieg, 1889. Le Naturaliste (2)3(49): 74.  
    TL: Albères (Pyrénées-Orientales, France).  
[JS] Papilio feisthamelii race feisthamelides Verity, 1911. Rhop. Pal.: 293, pl. 57, fig. 2.  
    TL: Granada (Andalusia, S Spain).  
[JH] Papilio feisthamelii race leechi Verity, 1911. Rhop. Pal.: 293, pl. 60, fig. 7 (nec Papilio leechi Rotschild, 1895. Novit. Zool. 2 : 437).  
    TL: “Asie mineure” (?= N Africa).  
[JS] Papilio feisthamelii race maura Verity, 1911. Rhop. Pal.: 293.  
    TL: Algeria.  
[JS] Papilio podalirius var. littoralis Holl, 1912. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Afr. Nord 3(1): 3, fig. 9.  
    TL: Alger area (Algeria).  

(1) The species name Papilio feisthamelii Duponchel, 1832 was placed on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology, name no. 78 by Opinion 263 (ICZN, 1954. Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 5(24): 329-342).  
(2) Iphiclides podalirius x Iphiclides feisthamelii : f. notha Verity, 1947. Farfalle diurne Italia 3: 37.  

Austaut J. L. 1879.
Lépidoptères nouveaux d'Algérie.
Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques 2(212): 293 (url) ; (correction) 2(214): 304. (url)
New taxon: Papilio podalirius lotteri.
Duponchel P. A. J. 1832-[1835].
In: Godart, Histoire naturelle des lépidoptères ou papillons de France - Diurnes. Supplément aux tomes premier et deuxième. Paris: Méquignon-Marvis (Ed.). pp. 1-467, Pl. 1-50. (note on publication dates: 1832: 1-368, pl. 1-42 ; [1835]: 369-467, pl. 43-50) (url)
New taxon: Papilio feisthamelii.
Holl E 1912.
Notes entomologiques (suite).
Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle de l'Afrique du nord 3(1): 3-9, pl. ; (8): 176-180, pl. (url)
New taxon: Papilio podalirius littoralis.
ICZN 1954.
Opinion 263, Designation, under the Plenary Powers, of a description to represent the lectotype of the nominal species Papilio podalirius Linnaeus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera).
Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 5(24): 329-342. (url)
Oberthür C. 1879.  
Catalogue raisonné des Papilionidae de la collection Ch. Oberthür à Rennes.
Études d'Entomologie - Faunes entomologiques, description d'insectes nouveaux ou peu connus 4: [i]-xvii, 1-117, pl. 1-6. (url)
New taxon: Papilio podalirius lotteri.
Thierry-Mieg P. 1889.
Deux aberrations nouvelles de Lépidoptères français.
Le Naturaliste : journal des échanges et des nouvelles (2)3(49): 74. (url)
New taxon: Papilio podalirius miegii.
Verity R. 1905-1911.
Rhopalocera Palearctica, iconograhie et description des papillons diurnes de la région Paléarctique (Papilionidae et Pieridae).
Florence [Italy]: R. Verity. [Vol. 1 - texte]: i-lxxxvi, 1-368, [Vol. 2 - planches]: i-xii, pl. 1-86. (note on publication dates: Kudrna, 1983 (url): 1905: 1-36, pl. 1-7 ; 1906: 37-68, pl. 8-9, 11-13, 15, 21 ; 1907: 69-124, pl. 10, 14, 16-20, 22-23, 26, 41, 43-44 ; 1908: 125-220, pl. 27-34, 40, 42, 45-49 ; 1909: 221-284, pl. 24, 35-39, 48 ; 1911: i-lxxxvi, 285-368, pl. 25, 50-72). (url not available)
New taxa: Papilio podalirius leechi, Papilio podalirius maura.

Reference publications  
Coutsis J. G. & Oorschot H. van-. 2011.
Differences in the male and female genitalia between Iphiclides podalirius and Iphiclides feisthamelii, further supporting species status for the latter (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).
Phegea 39(1): 12-22. (url)
Gaunet A., Dincă V., Dapporto L., Montagud S., Vodă R., Schär S., Badiane A., Font E. & Vila R. 2019.
Two consecutive Wolbachia‐mediated mitochondrial introgressions obscure taxonomy in Palearctic swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
Zoologica Scripta 48(4): 1–13. (url)

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Sylvain Cuvelier