A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)


Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier


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Genus Archon Hübner, 1822

[ORIG] Archon Hübner, 1822. Syst.-alph. Verz.: 2, 6, 8-9.  
    TS: Papilio thia Hübner, [1806] (=P. apollinus Herbst, 1798) by designation by Scudder, 1875. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. (NS)10: 117.  
[JS] Dorarchon Rothschild, 1918. Novit. Zool. 25: 219.  
    TS: Papilio apollinus Herbst, 1798 by monotypy.  

(1) List of the species found in the Western Palearctic: Archon apollinus (Herbst, 1798), Archon apollinaris (Staudinger, [1892]).  
(2) List of the species not found in the Western Palearctic: Archon bostanchii Freina & Naderi, 2003 (LT: Lorestan, Iran).  

Hübner J. 1822.
Systematisch-alphabetisches Verzeichniss aller bisher bey den Fürbildungen zur Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge angegebenen Gattungsbenennungen; mit Vormerkung auch augsburgischer Gattungen. Ausburg: bey dem Verfasser (Ed.). pp. i-vi, 1-92. (url)
New taxon: Archon.
Rothschild Lord W. 1918.
Catalogue of the Parnassiinae in the Tring Museum.
Novitates Zoologicae, a journal of zoology in connection with the Tring Museum 25: 218-262. (url)
New taxon: Dorarchon.
Scudder S. H. 1875.
V. Historical sketch of the generic names proposed for butterflies: a contribution to systematic nomenclature.
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (NS)10: 91-293. (url)
Designation TS: Papilio thia Hübner, [1806] for Archon Hübner, 1822.

Reference publications  
Carbonell F. 1991.
Contribution à la connaissance du genre Archon Hübner, 1822; Découverte de zones de sympatrie pour Archon apollinus (Herbst) et A. apollinaris Staudinger (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae). Linneana Belgica, revue belge d’entomologie 13(1): 3-11, fig. (url)
Carbonell F. & Michel F. 2007.
Une espèce jumelle méconnue du genre Archon Hübner, 1822 (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 112(2): 141-150, fig. (url)
Freina J. J. de-. 1985.
Revision der Gattung Archon Hübner 1822 mit Angaben zur Biologie, Verbreitung, Morphologie und Systematik von Archon apollinus (Herbst 1798) und Archon apollinaris Staudinger [1892] 1891 (stat. nov.) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae).
Nota lepidopterologica 8(2): 97-128. (url)
Stetten J. M. von- & Bozano G. C. 2021.
Papilionidae part III, Subfamily Parnassiinae, Tribes Zerynthiini, Luehdorfiini. In: Bozano G. C., Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region. Milano: Omnes Artes (Ed.). pp. 1-96. (url not available)

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Sylvain Cuvelier