A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)


Michel Taymans

Sylvain Cuvelier


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Family Papilionidae Latreille, [1802]

[ORIG] Papilionides Latreille, [1802]. Hist. Nat. Crust. Ins. 3: 387.  
    TG: Papilio Linnaeus, 1758.  
[RJ] Papilionida [Leach], [1815]. In: Brewster, Edinburgh Encycl. 9(1): 127.  
    TG: Papilio Linnaeus, 1758.  
[JH] Papilionidæ Doubleday, 1846. In: Doubleday & Westwood, Gen. diurn. Lepid. 1: 1 (nec Papilionides Latreille, [1802]).  
    TG: Papilio Linnaeus, 1758.  
[JS] Equitidæ Kirby, 1896. Hand-book Order Lepid. (1) 2: 234.  
    TG: Eques Linnaeus, 1758 (Kirby, 1896: 290).  
[JS] Divisio Lepidoptera Papilioniformia Bryk, 1913. Arch. f. Naturg. Jahrg. 79 A(2): 116.  
    TG: Papilio Linnaeus, 1758.  
[ICZN] Papilionidae Latreille, [1802]. In Direction 116 (ICZN, 1985. Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 42(1): 41-42.  
    TG: Papilio Linnaeus, 1758.  

(1) The Family name Papilionida [Leach], [1815] was placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Family-group Names in Zoology, name no. 271 by Direction 99 (ICZN, 1958. Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1(10): 161-174).  
(2) The Family name Papilionidae [Leach], [1815] (correction of Papilionida) was placed on the Official List of Family-group Names in Zoology, name no. 233 by Direction 99 (ICZN, 1958. Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1(10): 161-174).  
(3) The Family name Papilionides Latreille, [1802] was placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Family-group Names in Zoology, name no. 500 by Direction 116 (ICZN, 1985. The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature 42(1): 41-42).  
(4) The Family name Papilionidae Latreille, [1802] (as Papilionides) was placed on the Official List of Family-group Names in Zoology, name no. 233 (by canceling and replacing Papilionidae [Leach], [1815]) by Direction 116 (ICZN, 1985. The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature 42(1): 41-42).  
(5) List of the subfamily found in the Western Palearctic: Papilioninae Latreille, [1802], Parnassiinae Duponchel, [1835].  
(6) List of the subfamily not found in the Western Palearctic: Baroniinae Bryk, 1913.  

Bryk F. 1913.
Über eine neue Einteilung der Papilionidae unter Berücksichtigung des Flügelgeäders.
Archiv für Naturgeschichte 79A(2): 116-121, fig. (url)
New taxon: Papilionidae.
Doubleday E. & Westwood J. O. 1846-1850.
The genera of diurnal lepidoptera : comprising their generic characters, a notice of their habits and transformations, and a catalogue of the species of each genus. Vol. I. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans (Ed.). pp. 1-250, pl. 1-30. (url)
New taxon: Papilionidae.
ICZN 1958.
Addition to the Official List of Family-Group Names in Zoology of the names of certain family-gioup taxa belonging to the Order Lepidoptera (Class Insecta), the names of the type genera of which have already been placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology.
Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1(10): 161-174. (url)
ICZN 1985.
Papilionidae Latreille, [1802] (Insecta, Lepidoprtera): revision of official list entry.
The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature 42(1): 41-42. (url)
Kirby W. 1896.
A Hand-book to the Order Lepidoptera. Part. I, Butterflies - Vol. II. London: Edward Lloyd Ltd (Ed.). pp. i-xx, 1-332, pl. 38-68. (url)
New taxon: Equitidae.
[Leach W. E.]. 1815.
In: Brewster, Entomology. The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. Volume IX. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood (Ed.). pp. 57-172. (url)
New taxon: Papilionida.
Latreille P. A. [1802].
Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, des Crustacés et des Insectes. Ouvrage faisant suite à l´Histoire Naturelle générale et particulière, composée par Leclerc de Buffon, et rédigée par C. S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs Sociétés savantes. Familles naturelles des genres. Tome troisième. Paris: F. Dufart (Ed.). pp. 1-467, i [errata]. (url)
New taxon: Papilionides.

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Sylvain Cuvelier