A dynamic checklist of the Western Palearctic butterflies hyperlinked to the original descriptions
at species, genus and family level
(Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)
Portugal (PT), Spain (ES), Balearic Isl. (Ba),
Andorra (AD),
mainland France (FR)
Croatia (HR), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA),
Montenegro (ME), Albania (AL),
Kosovo (KS),
Serbia (RS), North Macedonia (MK), Bulgaria (BG),
Greece (GR), European Turkey (Tr)
Cyprus (CY), Syria (SY), Iraq (IQ), Israel (IL)
Lebanon (LB), Palestina (PS), Jordan (JO)
Data deficient. Five individuals of E. intermedia, from Ääninen Karjala (Tiutia, Uksjärvi, Jallahti) and one from Helsinki were found in the collections of the Central Museum of Natural Sciences.