General formatting.
Manuscripts must be written in English with clear and concise scientific language.
Text should be formatted in Word, 12-point font,with numbered pages.
Use italicization for scientific names (genus and species) and standard taxonomic conventions.
Title page. Title, authors' names, affiliations, and corresponding author's email.
A concise summary (max. 500 words) highlighting objectives, methods, key findings, and conclusions.
Key words. Up to 15 relevant keywords, separated by commas.
Introduction. Background, research context, and objectives.
Materials and Methods. Detailed methodology to ensure reproducibility.
Clear presentation of findings, supported by tables and figures.
Interpretation of results, comparison with previous studies, and conclusions.
Recognition of funding sources and contributions.
Follow the journal's preferred citation style for consistency.
We want the references to be precise by citing all co-authors and including the DOI and/or url. The general format for citing are as follows: Article:
Author's last name followed by the First Initial., Author First Initial., Author First Initial. & last Author First Initial. Year of publication. Full title and subtitle (if applicable). — Journalname (italicized) Volume Number(Issue Number): xx-yy DOI or (url). Book:
Author's last name followed by the First Initial., Author First Initial., Author First Initial. & last Author First Initial. Year of publication. Full title and subtitle (italicized). — Editor, City, xxx p. (url) Webpage:
Author's last name followed by the First Initial., Author First Initial., Author First Initial. & last Author First Initial. Year of publication. Full title and subtitle (with hyperlink) (accessed on
Figures and Tables. Figures should be submitted in high resolution (300 dpi minimum, jpeg of png format).
Tables should be numbered consecutively and provided in an editable format (Word or Excel).