Addendum 24/11/2024
Notification of inaccuracies in the Journal of Polination Ecology
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26786/1920-7603(2023)747
It concerns an incorrect reference: Couckuyt J, Cuvelier S, Parmentier L (2015) Sinusbeheer: een nieuw maaibeheer op maat van dagvlinders en insecten. Flemish Entomological Society (VVE WG DV), Antwerpen
1/ Error with co-authorship.
- The full reference (url, d.d. 01.04.2024, irrelevant hyperlinks were removed) does not include co-authors.
- The attachment (pdf) in the lower banner again shows the only responsible person: Couckuyt J.
- This document
only mentions a contribution from Cuvelier and Parmentier (see final notes below)
2/ Incomplete reference.
The reference in "JPE", Couckuyt (2015), is not providing the url and/or link to the pdf.
Final notes.
- The inaccuracies were first reported to "JPE" on 31.08.2024 and have been repeated on 30.10.2024.
- My involvement in the mentioned outreach document is limited to a transformation into a pdf and an upload to the webserver.
- I am not responsible for the content of the document.
- I completely distance myself from the conclusions.
- The ResearchGate account of Couckuyt J. mentions this outreach document (url) including only the author and no co-authors.
and it includes only the credited author and not co-authors.